China Virus! Chinese coronavirus! Wuhan virus!

CNN: “Vaccine for new Chinese coronavirus in the works”

CNN- China Virus

CNN: “China confirms Wuhan virus can be spread by humans”

The Washington Post: “First U.S. case of potentially deadly Chinese coronavirus confirmed in Washington state”

The Washington Post: “Chinese coronavirus infections, death toll soar as fifth case is confirmed in U.S.”

Los Angeles Times-China Virus

The Los Angeles Times: “Chinese coronavirus outbreak has reached U.S. shores, CDC says”

BuzzFeed: “The First Case Of The Chinese Coronavirus Has Hit The US, CDC Reports”

Reuters: “Japan confirms case of new Chinese virus, spread is ‘concerning”

Reuters: “With Wuhan virus genetic code in hand, scientists begin work on a vaccine”

CNBC: “The CDC and Homeland Security begin screening for Chinese Coronavirus at three major US airports as outbreak spreads in Asia”

BBC-China Virus

BBC: “China coronavirus ‘spreads before symptoms show”

Foreign Policy: “The Wuhan Virus: How to Stay Safe”

USA Today: “Something Far Deadlier Than The Wuhan Virus Lurks Near You”

Bloomberg: “10-Year-Old Boy Raises Fears Wuhan Virus Could Spread Undetected”

NPR: “Your Questions About Wuhan Coronavirus, Answered”

Business Insider: “Here are the symptoms of the deadly Wuhan coronavirus and when you should be worried”-

ABC News: President Trump attempted to shift blame for the spread of coronavirus to China by using the phrase ‘Chinese virus.’-







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